Will Wakefield and the Congress Hotel

Seattle, WA, USA
0 projectsRock

Hailing from Seattle, and building on their twelve-year history, Will Wakefield and the Congress Hotel are debuting their most formidable album so far, Tomorrow Happened Yesterday.

Written prior to the presidential campaign, Tomorrow Happened Yesterday has a certain prescience that threads narratives of unemployment, homelessness, and struggle with hope, desire, and resilience. “I think we were all feeling a sense of injustice at the supposed end of the recession.”

Recorded and produced by Will Wakefield, Tomorrow Happened Yesterday is intended for an audience that hits play instead of shuffle, prefers speakers to earbuds and favors anthems to shoegazing. With Dave Brewer on lead guitar, Ty Creighton on drums, and Will Wakefield on vocals/rhythm guitar, Tomorrow Happened Yesterday introduces Travis Hartman (formerly of The Bradbury Press) on bass.
