kevin penkin

LONDON to Melbourne
4 projectsAmbient

B i o g r a p h y​​
Kevin Penkin, based in Melbourne, is a BAFTA-nominated composer for Japanese animation and video games. He is best known for composing the award-winning score to 'Made in Abyss', and the music to the BAFTA award-winning game 'Florence'.

Kevin moved to London in 2013 to complete a Masters degree in Composition for Screen at the Royal College of Music. During this time, Kevin collaborated with legendary video game composer Nobuo Uematsu on a number of Japanese video game titles, which eventually led him to break into the Anime industry. After releasing his breakthrough score for Made in Abyss, Penkin continued to compose music for Japanese animation, with scores for both The Rising of the Shield Hero and Tower of God.

Throughout his career, Penkin has recorded with orchestras around the world. Works of his have been recorded in Prague, Vienna, Macedonia, Boston, Nashville and Australia. He has also collaborated with acclaimed singers Takeshi Saito, Emi Evans and Raj Ramayya.

Current and recently completed projects include;

Made In Abyss
STAR WARS VISIONS "The Village Bride"
Netflix "EDEN"
The Rising of the Shield Hero
Tower Of God
Under the Dog

Sin Chronicle
Grow: Song of the Evertree
Defender's Quest II: Mists of Ruin
Houn Maru (Rio Tinto 50th Anniversary Commission)

Award :
Crunchyroll Award : 2018 and 2020 Music Award Winner

For a full list of works see the ‘Credits’ page.

ケビンペンキンはメルボルン在住の作曲家、アニメーション、ビデオゲームを主体としている。有名な作品では、”アニメーション Made in Abyss. メイドインアビス (2017)”とBAFTA(英国アカデミー賞)ノミネートされたアプリゲーム”Florence" がある。
彼は2013年”Royal College of Music (王立音楽大学)”の作曲家クラスを修士号を持ち、音楽家デビューにとして”Nobuo Uematsu 植松 伸夫”とコラボレーションを果たしゲームアニメ業界へ、
その後、メイドインアビスなどを手がけ、最近のタイトルでは”アニメ 盾の勇者の成り上がり The Rising of the Shield Hero”、”アニメ 神之塔 Tower of God.” がある。・

彼のキャリアは本国、日本にとどまらず、プラハ、ウィーン、マセドニア、ナッシュビル、ボストン、オーストラリアなど世界でレコーディングを果たし、 Takeshi Saito, Emi Evans and Raj Ramayya.などの有名な歌手などともコラボレーションしている。